Q: If I put rune of Swiftness on a double handed axe, am I going to always strike first?

    A: A weapon enscribed with any runes looses it's normal rules as indicated on page 25 of the Dwarf army book. Therefore double handed axe with rune of swiftness will strike first, but It will not give you +2 strength bonus. This rule was probably designed to prevent people from taking dbl. handed weapons and putting runes of cleaving (or for that matter putting rune o swiftnes on it) on them to get high strngth bonus. Some players agree that this rule should be modified to allow you to create double handed magic axes. Therefore one of the the house rules states that you can put up to one rune on a double handed weapon. The other one allows you to put any runes exept the rune of cleaving on double handed weapons in order to maintain their natural rules.

    Q: If  a  character in a unit armed with a weapon with 3 runes of parrying is fighting with rank & file troops then only 3 models can attack him, no mather how you arrange the units. Does it mean that no one can strike him back?

    A: Yes, your character cancels 3 strikes per turn so if the rank & file troops have only 1 attack each, and there's no characters in the unit he will be invincible. This combination is also very effective against most of the characters. You can challange almost any champion or hero and they will never have a chance to hit you (unless you fight with frenzied chaos warriors).

    Q: Can I put the rune of Forging on a Ogan Cannon or Flame Cannon?

    A: The official answer is no. However organ cannon is so similar in construction and effect to a oridinary cannon that If your opponent agrees you may put the rune of forging on it. Steam Cannon works compleately differently than a cannot so the rune will not work on it.

    Q: Can I put rune of disuise on a gyrocopter? Can it move while being invisible?

    A: The book does not say that you cant so you can. The machine is invisible untill you shoot, so you can safely manouver for possition.

    Q:  Does Iron Breaker champion have to take rune of stone as his only allowed magic item or does it count as a bonuss? If yes can I pun any other runes on his armour? If it's a bonuss does it count as a real rune (ie can I have 3 more runes on the armour)?

    A: Theoreticaly all champions must be equipped exactly the same as the rank & file troops however the book clearly states that the champion may take another magic item, and the rune of stone is only a bonuss. You can put up to three runes on his armour, as long as the rune of stone is one of them. Putting 4 runes on 1 item would be breaking one of the most important rules- the rule of three.

    Q: Does rune of Spellbreaking cancel Total Power?

    A: Sadly no, ti still counts as a dispell and as such cannot stop the Total Power.

    Q: If I use the rune of Resistance and the Master Rune of Spite which one saves first? Can I use rune of Spite first to see if it rebounds, and if it fails then use rune of resistance?

    A: Rune of Resistance allows you to reroll your armour save, so it must be used imidiately ater your armour save. Therefore in most cases it will be first.

    Q: If rune of spite rebounds the wound, and this wound is rebounded back by Black Amulet can it be saved and rebounded again?

    A: Yes the wound is scored in hand to hand combat (although not directly) so characters can throw the wound back and foward untill someone fails to save or black amulet breaks down. Yes, I know that's a streach but It's so much fun (we call it mini ping-pong battles)

    Q: Can a killed model be brought back to life using Bugmans Tankard?

    A: Sadly no. Logicaly models which are dead cannot drink, and you canot use the tankard during combat phase (ie before they are removed as casualities).

    Q: Dwarf Army Book says that you dont have to use their magic items if you don't want to. Does it mean that I can give them different items?

    A: Most players agree, that Dwarf special characters can switch their magic items for different ones. Giving a player option to drop special character's magic items and field him"naked" seems pointless, so I would say you can switch them freely.

    Q: Are DWARF KING ONLY items can be taken only by the High King?

    A: Acording to the book Kazador and Ungrim Ironfist are also KINGS, so they can use the KING ONLY ITEMS if you wish.

    Q: Does Fiery Ring of Thori needs line of sight to be used? Can I put an unit in front of the bearer to protect it from missile fire/charge?

    A: Fiery Ring of Thori does not shoost, so you don't need the line of sight. Remember that units on hills can still shoot at the units since the fire barier is only man high...

    Q: Can I use Dispell cards stored in the anvil to fire lightning bolts? Can I use special ards as Destroy Spell or Rebound without storing them?

    A: You may fire lightnings using dispell or special cards, but sometimes it's better to keep some of them. You may use normal dispells without storing them, but special cards need to be stored to work because you may not use them without a wizard.

    Q: If I store Total Power in the anvil, do I have to use up all the cards stored in the anvil?

    A: No, but you still would have to discard them at the end, so it's better to use them than loose them. If you stored Escape card in your anvil you will loose it if you attempt to store the Total Power.

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