Battle tactics:

How to deal with Scaven:

The problem with Scaven  is that they are very anti dwarf army. Just think about it- they have more mobility than dwarf  could ever imagine, weapons which ignore toughness and armor when causing wounds (poison wind globes, warpfire throwers...) and of course the dreaded Dwarfgauger!

Army selection: When fighting with scaven you have to remember your dwarfs will be outnumbered 5-1 or more. In such cases quantity is sometimes better than quality... Try to field big regiments to minimize the ratmen combat result bonuses from many ranks. Scaven are week  but when they have   +4 combat result (more than three ranks and standard) there is possibility that smaller unit will lose with them. Also large regiments help your troops survive the warpfire throwers shooting, and poison wind effect( they can survive 2-3 shots and get in hth combat). Missile troops and altilery is also useful. Scaven missile weapons have very short ranges so they have to move closer to use them. Dwarf army however can hit them with altilery and crossbows practically from turn 1. That gives dwarf player some advantage.     Don't take Gromil rune for your general! Your opponent surely will have dwarf gauger and will try to challenge your general as soon as he can. spend the additional points on unmodified saves (rune of sprite, black amulet and so on) and runes of luck to rerol failed saves and pray to dwarfen gods to survive the first round of combat.

 Dealing with:

When scaven are away you can play offensive and try to shoot them up using the altillery. Sadly when they came close you have to start moving to avoid being burn or choked to death.

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